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2 days 1 nights
availability: jan 16' - dec 16'
min age: 18+
max people: 12

course overview

Departure & Return Location
Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu.
price includes
  • All transfers to and from both domestic and international airports
  • 4/5-star category Hotel accommodations in Kathmandu on BB Plan as per itinerary
  • Climbing Guides and sherpas as per requirements
  • Domestic flight tickets for to the climbing members and guides.( If required in itinerary )
  • Complete camping setup with dining & kitchen tents, chairs and tables Base Camp
  • Three meals a day (BLD-tea-coffee) and twin sharing teahouse accommodation during trek
  • Expedition royalty and climbing permits for climbing
  • Fully paid government appointed liaison officer in the team
  • Medical, accidental, and search and rescue Insurance for all involved local staffs
  • All rope fixing and icefall management charges levied in the Expedition
  • Free assistance service for cargo and duty clearance
  • Complete pre-departure information
  • Farewell Dinner in a typical Nepali restaurant with domestic culture show in Kathmandu


Day 01 Arrive Kathmandu to start the Manaslu Expedition (1350m)

Upon the arrival of your landing in Kathmandu, you will be picked up at the Tribhuvan International Airport. We will then drop you at your hotel.

Day 02-03 Theoretical session on Nirvana climbing course

The 2nd and 3rd day will be dedicated to theoretical sessions on Nirvana Climbing Course and introduction on Manaslu Expedition. The session will be held at Kathmandu.

Day 04 Drive to Arughat (570m) (5-6 hours) to start the Manaslu climbing expedition

It will take us about 5 and half hours to drive from Kathmandu to Arughat. The road from Kathmandu to Gorkha is quite good. But from Gorkha to Arughat, the roads are quite uneven. Nevertheless, the views of majestic mountains will treat you very well. Arughat is a small town on the banks of Budhi Gandaki.

Day 05 Soti Khola (730m) / Korsani Khola (6-7 hours)

From Arughat, we will walk for about 6 hours to reach Soti Khola. Located on the northern side of Arughat, Soti Khola is a small village where we will get to observe a unique lifestyle of people, different than the city areas.

Day 06 Machha Khola (930m) (6-7 hours)

The trail beginning from Soti Khola runs parallel to Budhi Gandaki, giving us the fresh feels of the cold river. After 3 hours walk from Soti Khola, we will reach Lapubesi where we will stop for lunch. From Lapubesi, another 3 hours walk will take us to Machha Khola.

Day 07 Jagat (1370m) (5-6 hours)

The 7th day includes a lot of steep descends and ascends. In the 5-6 hours trek, we will pass through many places like Khorlabesi, Tatopani, Dobhan, and Yaru Bagar, finally taking us to Jagat.

Day 08 Philim (1570m) (5-6 hours)

As we gradually enter towards more Tibetan influences, a 5-6 hours trek will take us from Jagat to Philim. Passing through rocky ridges and cliff edges, we will reach Philim, which is on the eastern side of Ghatta Khola.

Day 09 Deng (1540m) (3-4 hours)

There will be steep gorges and grassy slopes as we head from Philim towards Deng. Once we reach the Bamboo forests, it can be assumed that the village of Deng is nearby. The trail for the day is quite short, i.e. up to 3-4 hours.

Day 10 Ghap (2165m) (5-6 hours)

A beautiful village with much Buddhist and Tibetan influence will be our destination for the day. As we gradually trek through more ups and downs, we will reach Ghap in about 5 hours. This small village is beautiful and famous for Mani walls with carvings related to Buddha.

Day 11 Lho (3180m) (6-7 hours)

Walking 6 hours from Ghap will take us to Lho. Walking through the foot of the Himalayan range, we will be enticed by the dazzling perspectives all around. As we pick up elevation, we can likewise observe particular changes of vegetation.

Day 12 Sama Goan (Ro) (3525m)(6-7 hours)

From Lho, a 6 hours walk through Mani stone walls of the Lho village will take us to Sama Goan. An additional walk to Pungen Glacier, which takes about 20 minutes' walk from Sama Goan, can also be included in the day's activity.

Day 13 Rest day Sama Gaon

On the 13th day, we will rest at Sama Goan, as we need to acclimatize and prepare our bodies for the further climb.

Day 14 Trek Manaslu BC (4750 m) (3-4 hours)

On this day, we will leave Sama Goan to head towards Manaslu Base Camp in about 3-4 hours. The trail involves steep climbs through rugged topography. We can enjoy the beautiful Birendra Lake that lies near to the base camp.

Day 15-17 Practical session on Nirvana climbing course

At the Manaslu Base Camp, a 3 days practical session on Nirvana Climbing Course will be conducted. The three days practical training will teach you many skills related to mountain climbing like ice climbing, crevasse rescue, route finding, abseiling, etc.

Day 18-44 Manaslu expedition climbing period

We will spend about 27 days in climbing Mt. Manaslu. We will gradually head towards the peak, ensuring that we are well acclimatized. Following the guidance of the experienced Sherpa and utilizing the practical skills we recently learned, we will successfully make the summit. We will set four camps before finally reaching the top. From the top, we will be able to view a vista of mountains, giving us pleasant views of mountains above the clouds.

Day 45 Trek to Sama Goan after the Manaslu expedition (3525m) (6-7 hours)

Having accomplished our goal, we will return to Sama Goan from the Manaslu Base Camp. Though tracing the same path again, we will be returning with a new accomplishment.

Day 46-50 Trek back to Arughat (577m) (6-7 hours)

In a span of 5 days, we will return from Sama Goan to Arughat, paving back the path we had previously covered.

Day 51 Drive back to Kathmandu (5-6 hours)

From Arughat, we will drive back to Kathmandu through a 5-6 hours' drive.

Day 52 Final departure

On the final day of your stay in Nepal, we will drive you to the Tribhuvan International Airport for a safe return to your home country.


From $1,200
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Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.

9851013490 climbingschoolnepal@gmail.com